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Your scars

are not your shame

he said

they are your story, 

and I love stories.


April M Woodard is an advocate for the autism community, sharing how she works with her own autistic traits to use writing as a therapeutic outlet. Her main focus is helping people discover their purpose with the Hero's Journey Story Method, teaching them how to be the main character of their real-life story.

Her Story

Realizing she wasn't like "normal" girls, April found solace in books and movies at a young age. The confirmation of her uniqueness didn't come until 2015 when she and her two sons were diagnosed with "Autism: High-Functioning/ADHD". With this new self-awareness, April gained confidence in who she was. It allowed her to accept her disabilities, but also see them in a whole new light. Her hyper-focus, if used correctly, allowed her to fully devote her attention to blocks of writing time. Her overactive imagination created detailed visuals for her scenes and characters. Although April still struggles to overcome daily anxiety and sensory sensitivities, she uses her autistic superpowers to thrive as a storyteller.


Before her Asperger's diagnosis in 2015, a dream set April on a quest to write a novel. At the time she didn’t know that writing a few pages of that dream would one day turn into a book series. With her third book completed in 2018, she came to the conclusion that she had been using writing as a therapeutic outlet. April finally understood that she had put parts of herself into her characters and had given them ways to solve problems. Now, April uses the hero’s journey story method as a teaching tool, showing how anyone can be the hero of their own story.



Book April for a Speaking Engagement

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